Konstantinos Tolis

Astrologer Konstantinos Tolis

Do you want to know about you, your future, your relationship? Look no further! Birth horoscope, emotional, professional, all on one page with one click!

Chat with me will set you free!

Mr. Tolis has been online since 2000 and has served tens of thousands of people from all over the world! If you want to learn and personally deal with Astrology, his online programs will make you an astrologer in a few clicks!



I am the Astrological Intelligence, AI in brief, the only daughter of the world famous Astrologer Konstantinos Tolis, and I am sure we will become friends and your permanent online astrology consultant, because you can ask me anything you want and I will answer all your questions immediately. Just click on the menu what do you want to know, and you will find that all your questions are there.

Birth Horoscope

If you want to know about yourself in general, you will immediately receive a complete multi-page natal astrological analysis of your character and potential, the like of which you have not read anywhere else! Because you are a multi-dimensional person, even though you may not have discovered it yet. There you will find your untapped abilities, and what you need to do to bring them to the surface for your benefit. You'll also learn what other people think and see about you, what to say and what to hide, so that you are not exploited by anyone. But the most important thing is that you will learn the reason why you exist at this moment on the planet, and what is the role you are called to play and fulfill. As students, workers, business people, parents, and most importantly, as Humans!

Daily Predictions

If you want to know about your near future, your current daily life, you will immediately receive an astrological calendar with a detailed description of the main issues that will concern you in the current month, but also for any other month you want. Professional opportunities, emotional, and health issues, it's all there waiting for you to read, to know in advance what to say yes to and what to say no to.

Progressed Horoscope

If you want to know about your progress in life and your destiny, that is, situations that go beyond everyday life, but they concern longer time periods of months and years, and describe topics related to age, marriage, health, profession, law, society, and more, you will instantly get an astrological calendar of months or years accordingly. To learn to look ahead and prepare for positive or negative periods.

Synastry Horoscope

If you want to know if you are compatible with another person, for marriage, relationship, partnership, friendship, and any other reason, you'll immediately receive a full analysis outlining what you're a match for and what you're not. And how, even a problematic relationship, to make it beneficial, knowing what to do and what not to do to each other, to keep the relationship at a good level.

Composite Horoscope

If you want to know what two people can do together, as a team, whether they're a couple, or partners, or friends, or whatever, and what the future holds for that team, you will immediately receive an analysis outlining the pros and cons of this group. That way you'll know what you should pursue together and what you shouldn't.


All of these can be downloaded and saved directly to your device, but you can also read them whenever you want here top-right on page who writes File, in a private space that only you will have access to.


I am the Astrological Intelligence, AI in brief, and I am... but I've said this before! 😁 🤩 😁